The 50 Economic Alliance
Pioneering Regional Prosperity Along Highway 50
Cultivating synergy along the eastern Highway 50 corridor, The 50 Economic Alliance is a dynamic partnership uniting businesses and government interests.
The Vitals:
Our Strengths as a Region
- A diverse, educated, and growing workforce
- A full inventory of housing options
- Multiple siting and land use options
- People want to live here
- Unmatched access to air, ground, rail and water transportation options
- A competitive cost of living thanks to better real estate, payroll, tax and utility rates
- A collaborative team of people and resources to help companies locate or expand here

Let's Work Together!
We Want To Hear From You If:
You’re a business owner in the East Highway 50 Corridor looking to grow and expand your business.
You’re a site selector looking for a place for your company and your employees to call home.
You’re interested in lending your voice and expertise identifying and capitalizing on challenges and opportunities in our region.
You have any questions or would like more information.